tiistai 24. helmikuuta 2015

Laskiainen 17.2.

Hydepakki suuntasi Ullanlinnanmäelle viettämään laskiaista Teepakin

suurehkon partiohuivin kera, joka sai arvoisensa paikan kahden

puunrungon välissä. Maanantain pullat olivat enää muisto vain, joten

reippaat puheenjohtajat Juho (Teepakista) ja Onerva (Hydestä)

jaksoivat levittää sanomaa iloisesta järjestöstämme juhlaväelle, jonka

joukosta toivottavasti löytyi muutama uusi opiskelijapartiolainen!

Maanantaina heitetään talviturkit Otaniemen avantoon, mutta sitä ennen

käväistään Nuuksiossa, sisätiloissa tosin katsastamassa luontokeskus

Haltian näyttely.

sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2015

Trip to the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia 21.2.

Hyde held an international trip to the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia in

Espoo. It was a pleasure to see so many new faces interested in the

Finnish nature! Overall there were about 40 participants from all over

the world.

At Haltia we got an introduction to the Centre, it's goals and history

and other interesting aspects of it. The whole building is made of

beautiful wood and has received many prizes for its architecture and

eco-frendliness. After this we got to explore the two exhibitions of the


The first exhibition was about the Finnish nature in general. The

entrance was very impressive: a passageway with a scenery of a Finnish

forest in the winter with artificial snow and lots of well-stuffed

animals. We even got to peek under the snow to see what kinds of

creatures spend their winter there. The rest of the exhibition was

rather informative about the Finnish nature, but also very beautiful.

There was also an interesting dark room where we could listen to the

different sounds of the Finnish summer night in the nature.

The other exhibition explored the carreer of the first Finnish nature

photographer Hannu Hautala. He has done most of his work in Kuusamo,

located in Northern Finland. This was evident in the amount of wintery

sceneries and pictures of the beautiful Siberian Jay, a curious bird

that can be found in the Northern parts of Finland. Most of the pictures

were of birds but there were also some mammals. It was quite impressive

that Hautala has taken all of his photographs with a traditional camera!

After the exhibitions we did a little orienteering to find the camp fire

to grill sausages. Despite the rather wet weather, we were able to set

the fire and eat some nicely roasted sausage. After eating, some of us

went for a little walk before heading back to Helsinki.

Thanks for all the attendees for such a nice day!

maanantai 2. helmikuuta 2015

Pikkujoulusauna 2.1.

Perinteikästäkin perinteikkäämmän joulukuisen kevätjuhlan inspiroimana

Hydepakissa aloitettiin 1.2.2015 uusi perinne eli kevätlukukauden

puolella järjestettävä saunailta, toiselta nimeltään piparintuoksuiset

pikkujoulut. Ilta sujui hydepakkimaisen kotoisissa tunnelmissa

Otaniemessä syöden ja juoden hyvin, saunoen ja lautapelejä pelaillen.

Illan kruunasivat Paavon kulturellit makuelämyskritiikit. Ihka uusista

mahdollisista jäsenistäkin kulki huhuja, mutta ainakaan vielä ei

ketään näkynyt – toivomme kaikki, että tulevan vuoden mittaan uudetkin

uskaltautuisivat mukaan toimintaan!